Thursday, November 18, 2010

My gratefulness in its entirety

I have seen daily gratefulness posts which have inspired me to write about something. I see much hate and anger in this world. People who are not content with themselves due to perceived failures and missed accomplishments. People whose lives are engulfed with violence and hatred towards there loved ones let alone strangers. It is when I observe this that I see the opposing side of the spectrum and it reminds me of how grateful I am that I am on that side. I do not understand what many people do on a daily basis nor would I wish too. Some are in such a different frame of mind that I pray I will never understand their way of thinking.

That being said I do have to point out that I also see hypocritical people daily as well. Those who think they are gods gift to earth. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and the moment to shine is what you do after the mistakes are made. Do you learn from them or do you wallow in self pity? One persons goals may be another persons nightmare but I do believe that we all have a place in life. I don't believe that a person who works at Mcdonalds flipping burgers is any less significant than a wealthy business man or a senator.

I do wish to emphasize that the similarities both contribute to society. They both have goals in life whether they are met yet or not they are striving to accomplish and maintain them. The contributions from a persons actions are ten fold. A person who works as a cook at a restaurant may think he contributes nothing to society as well as the person who sits down at the cooks counter to eat breakfast who is preparing for his garbage truck route that morning. Although all these series of events contribute to future actions through out ones day interacting with hundreds of others. Hypothetically let's say the garbage truck driver sees a minivan full of kids stall at a railroad crossing as a train is coming, without thinking he pushes the van off the tracks before the train comes barreling by with tons of cargo. Had he not chose to eat what he ate that morning he may have not been in the right place at the right time. Had the breakfast been bad he may have taken a different route due to his mood or just worked slower not being at that place during that moment to have that opportunity.

We are all tangled in an unimaginable series of events from day to day influenced by hundreds of other peoples actions all to which we should be grateful for. As insignificant as they are, as unrecognizable as they can be, realizing that on a regular basis will help remind you how good you have it in life no matter how good others have it and that all contributing citizens are equally important as the next no matter their status. Ok, now to step off this soap box before I break it. Thanks for reading, Gianchetta 10:40:00 AM by The Photo Box Delete

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